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Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD)


A specialized therapy designed to improve the functioning of the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is an important part of the body’s immune system. MLD treatment was developed in the early 1930s by the Danish physical therapist Dr Emil Vodder. Modern day research has established the effectiveness of the treatment on the lymphatic and nervous systems and MLD as a result is becoming an accepted and effective treatment used in the management of conditions such as lymphoedema, lipoedema and venous insufficiency combined with compression bandaging, exercise, skin care regimes and breathing exercises. Lymphoedema once established cannot be cured and must be treated to prevent a worsening of the condition.

Contraction of the lymphatic vessels is stimulated by unique gentle rhythmical circling movements resulting in a greater amount of metabolic waste and excess fluid being removed from the tissues and into the lymphatic system. The fluid (lymph) is then cleansed of dead cells, bacteria and other waste products via lymph nodes. MLD can be used to alleviate many different conditions as well as potentially enhancing immunity. It has a calming effect on the autonomic nervous system and is deeply relaxing.

Carol-Ann is trained in both the Dr Vodder and Casley-Smith methods of MLD and has trained at the Christie Hospital in Manchester with Registered Physiotherapist and international lecturer Willem Fourie in the treatment and rehabilitation of musculoskeletal issues experienced following surgery and radiotherapy after breast and other cancers.

MLD can benefit:

  • Primary lymphoedema due to developmental disorders of the lymphatic vessels and or lymph nodes. Primary lymphoedema may exist from birth or develop later in life following puberty or pregnancy.

  • Secondary lymphoedema may develop as a secondary problem following surgery, radiotherapy or trauma to lymph nodes and or vessels.

  • Lipoedema, which only occurs in women, is an inherited disease which usually begins at puberty. It is a painful chronic disease resulting in symmetrical distribution of fatty tissue, “orange peel skin”. It can affect the arms but often only the legs are affected from the ankles to the hips sparing the feet. If weight is gained and the condition is not managed a secondary lipo-lymphoedema can develop.

  • Bruising and swelling following cosmetic surgery and liposuction

  • MLD can relieve fluid congestion, puffy eyes, swollen ankles and legs especially during pregnancy.

  • Can improve chronic conditions, arthritis, sinusitis, acne and other skin conditions.

  • Promotes healing of wounds and burns and can improve the appearance of scars.

  • Enhance the healing process of broken bones, sprains, torn ligaments and reduce the pain associated with injuries.

  • Reduce post operative traumatic bruising and swelling.

  • As part of a detox regime.

Carol-Ann is a member of the British Lymphology Society

The Perrin Technique™


The Perrin Technique™ is an osteopathic approach to the diagnosis and treatment of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS/ME). It is based on Dr Raymond Perrin’s theory that stress factors (whether physical, allergic, emotional or due to infection) can lead to an overstrain of the sympathetic nervous system. Further investigation has suggested that a probable cause of this overload is a build up of toxins in the fluid around the brain and the spinal cord. Some of the poisons caused by infection or inflammation in the head or spine flow through perforations in a bony plate just above the nasal sinuses (the cribriform plate) into the lymph ducts of the face and neck. The toxins should drain down the spinal cord and out into the lymph ducts lying along the spine. In a CFS/ME sufferer these normal drainage points are congested.

The Perrin Technique™ practitioner manually stimulates the fluid motion around the brain and spinal cord. Massage of the soft tissues in the head, neck, back and chest directs the toxins out of the lymphatic system and into the blood, from which they are eventually removed by the liver. Manipulation of the spine further aids drainage of these toxins from the cerebrospinal fluid. Eventually, with no poisons affecting the brain, the sympathetic nervous system begins to function correctly, and symptoms should gradually reduce. In time, some patients may become symptom-free. For further information, see The Perrin Technique™ website.


Research project:


Click here to read about a research project employing The Perrin Technique™ proposed for 2013, entitled Examining the accuracy of a physical diagnostic technique for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis.


Perrin RN, Lymphatic Drainage of the Neuraxis in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: A Hypothetical Model for the Cranial Rhythmic Impulse. Journal of the American Osteopathic Association, 107(06), 218-224. 2007.

Perrin RN, Edwards J & Hartley P. An evaluation of the effectiveness of osteopathic treatment on symptoms associated with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis. A preliminary report, Journal of Medical Engineering and Technology, 22(1), 1-13. 1998

Perrin RN. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, a review from the biomechanical perspective. British Osteopathic Journal. 11, 1993

The Perrin Technique: How to beat CFS/ME. Hammersmith Press, London May 2007

Perrin R, Tsaluchidu S. Integrating biological, psychological and socio cultural variables in myalgic encephalomyelitis: Onset, maintenance and treatment. Panminerva MEDICA 51(03) Suppl. 1, 88, Sept 2009

Perrin R. EPA and The Perrin technique: A Combined approach to treating Myalgic Encephalomyelitis. Annals of General Psychiatry. 9 (Supplement1):S25, 2010.

Perrin R, Embleton K, Penreath V, Jackson A, Longitudinal MRI Shows no Cerebral Abnormality in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. British Journal of Radiology. (Accepted August 2009) Jan 2010.

Perrin RN, et al., Muscle fatigue in CFS/ME and its response to a manual therapeutic approach: A pilot study, International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine (2011), doi:10.1016/j.ijosm.2010.12.002 in Press



A holistic treatment increasingly recognised by the medical profession and some private healthcare companies. It is based on the theory that reflex points on the feet and hands relate to every organ, function and part of the body. Reflexology can be carried out on the feet and hands and is suitable for all ages. Reflexology is not able to diagnose or cure disease within the body however the practitioner can often find areas of sensitivity which may indicate congestion and tension in the corresponding part of the body. Using thumb and finger techniques on these points is believed by reflexologists to stimulate the body to release tension restoring the free flow of energy which may encourage the body to heal at its own pace. Modern day reflexology is based on zone theory as developed by Dr William Fitzgerald, an American ear, nose and throat specialist. Eunice Ingham, an American physiotherapist, created a map of the feet corresponding to the whole body and devised some of the massage techniques that are practiced in reflexology today. Reflexology might be beneficial in many ways by helping to reduce everyday stress and tension. It may help:-

  • Circulatory and respiratory problems

  • Back and joint pain

  • Digestive problems

  • Hormonal or fertility issues

  • Stress and anxiety

  • Renal system issues

Health improvements that may be experienced might need to be ‘topped up’ with regular treatments.


Books of interest related to Reflexology:

The Original Works of Eunice D Ingham: Stories the Feet can Tell Thru Reflexology. Stories the Feet Have Told Thru Reflexology.

Total Reflexology, The Reflex Points for Physical, Emotional and Psychological Healing by Martine Faure-Alderson D.O.

The Essential Guide to Foot and Hand reflexology by Ann Gilanders

Reflexology, The Definitive Practitioner's manual by Beryl Crane

The reflexology Handbook, A Complete Guide by Laura Norman

Reflex Zone therapy for Health Professionals by Ann Lett

Zone Therapy, relieving Pain and Sickness by Nerve pressure by Dr Benedict Lust, M.D.



An holistic form of treatment using pure essential oils for improving and maintaining health. Essential oils are extracted or distilled from the flowers, shrubs, trees, leaves, twigs, roots, bark, resins and fruits from plant material from all over the world. They are highly aromatic and have many properties some of which are antiseptic, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-viral and anti-fungal. Aromatherapy in conjunction with massage can have the following beneficial effects:-

  • Rejuvenating & regenerating.

  • Stimulating, relaxing and uplifting.

  • Improving physical and emotional well being.

  • Fortifying the immune system

Essential oils can also be used in therapeutic baths, compresses, and inhalations and also vaporized to enhance physical and emotional well being. Aromatherapy can be used to complement orthodox treatments. All oils are mixed for the client at the time of treatment to cater for individual needs.


Books of interest related to Aromatherapy

Aroma science- The Chemistry & Bioactivity of essential oils by M, Lis-Balchin

The Complete Guide to Aromatherapy by S Battaglia

Clinical Aromatherapy in Nursing by J Buckle

Aromatherapy for Health professionals by Shirley & Len Price

The Practice of Aromatherapy by J Valnet

Clinical Aromatherapy for Pregnancy and Childbirth by D Tiran

The Directory of essential Oils by W Sellar

Therapeutic Massage

Thera M

Massage is a traditional and effective hands-on therapy using various techniques and approaches to aid soft-tissue dysfunction. It has therapeutic and physical benefits helping in many conditions. Therapeutic massage and touch can create a feeling and deep sense of well-being. Massage can aid:

  • Musculoskeletal disorders

  • Circulation and Lymphatic flow

  • Mobility

  • Poor skin tone

  • Postural imbalance

  • Soft tissue and fascia

Treatment can be enhanced by the use of the Hivamat Deep Oscillation system.

Sports Massage


Using deeper massage techniques for treating more active individuals. Primarily developed for sports performance and injury recuperation this form of massage can be of benefit in many areas of physical activity.

  • Helping improve physical performance.

  • Increasing flexibility and suppleness.

  • Speeding up recovery time from training and physical activity.

  • Helping restricted movement and overuse injuries.

  • Helping prevent minor injuries developing into chronic overuse injuries.

  • Aiding sporting performance with pre-event massage.


Treatment can be enhanced by the use of the Hivamat Deep Oscillation system.

Books of interest related to Therapeutic and Sports Massage:

Sports & Remedial Massage Therapy by Mel Cash

Orthopedic Massage Theory & Technique by Whitney W Lowe

Thought Field Therapy


Carol-Ann trained in Thought Field Therapy (TFT) with Mark Watkins from Infinite Mind, who was himself trained by the developer of TFT, Dr Roger Callahan. TFT can be a fast and successful approach to resolving all kinds of psychological, emotional and some physical problems by tapping acupuncture meridian points in a precise order to allow healing. By tapping into the body’s energy with information in this non-invasive way many problems can be helped. Dr Callahan, a psychotherapist, has been helping people with this technique as detailed in his book “Tapping The Healer Within”.



Herbs as medicines have been used by mankind for thousands of years. The Egyptians, Romans and Greeks used and introduced many herbs. Chinese medicine and the Indian system of Ayurveda use many of the same herbs as we do in Western herbal medicine. Many of our modern day drugs were developed from plants. Important drugs such as asprin came from the bark of Willow and Digoxin from Digitalis. Modern chemotherapeutic drugs such as Taxol are derived from the Yew. Many parts of the world today still rely on herbs as medicines.

Many ailments and some chronic conditions may respond very favourably to phytotherapy.

Prescription medication can interact with aromatic and herbal medicines. If you are taking prescribed drugs, are trying to conceive, are pregnant or breast feeding please check with your general practitioner, specialist or pharmacist before taking any herbal medicines.


Books of interest related to Phytotherapy:

Principles & Practice of phytotherapy, Modern Herbal medicine by Simon Mills & Kerry Bone

The Essential Guide to Herbal Safety by simon mills & Kerry Bone

Medical Herbalism The science and Practice of Herbal Medicine by David Hoffmann

Bartrum's Encyclopedia of herbal Medicine by Thomas Bartram

Potter’s Herbal Cyclopaedia by Elizabeth M Williamson

Traditional Herbal Medicines a Guide To Their Safer Use by Dr LakshmanKaralliedde and Dr Indika Gawarammana

Thermo Auricular Therapy


Better known as, Hopi Ear candling. This ancient and legendary Indian relaxation therapy has been used to help calm the mind.

The warm relaxing effect produces a soothing sensation in the head and ear area. The therapy may spontaneously enhance nasal breathing and may have a beneficial effect on the sense of smell.

Only the original BIOSUN™ Hopi ear candles are used. They are certified medical products according to EC guidelines 93/94 (EEC).

Carol-Ann studied the art of ear candling under Andrew Seats, author of “Ear Candling And Other Treatments For Ear, Nose And Throat Problems”.

Hot Stone Message


Hot Stone Message therapy eases muscle stiffness and tension, increases circulation and encourages blood flow. It promotes deeper muscle relaxation and melts away tension.



An ancient Japanese healing system using subtle Universal Life Energy. Reiki harnesses and channels this energy to where your body needs it the most.

Reiki re-balances the chakras and harmonizes body, mind and spirit.

Reiki can have powerful and far reaching effects on a person’s health and in their lives. The experience is wonderfully relaxing and is a popular non-invasive form of natural healing.


Books of interest related to Reiki:

The Original Reiki Handbook of Dr Mikao Usui

Reiki For Common Ailments by Mari Hall

Reflexology Lymph Drainage (RLD)


RLD is an award winning reflexology technique which focuses on stimulating the lymphatic reflexes on the feet. The aim is to cause an effect on the lymphatic system in the body. It is a unique sequence that has been researched and developed by Sally Kay BSc(Hons), whilst working in Cancer Care. The results appear to support the theory of reflexology.

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